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Do mourning doves have a special meaning?

Mourning Dove Symbolism Spirituality Meaning
Mourning Dove Symbolism Spirituality

Is there any significance to the visit of a mourning dove? Many people see the mourning dove as a symbol of hope, love, and freedom. Doves are a symbol of peace. They are linked to Christmas. The turtle dove appears as a gift in the Christmas song “The Twelve Days of Christmas.” Some bird lovers report feeling a sense of security when a flying dove passes by. Some think it’s a message from a loved one. Others see it as a reminder of someone you miss.

“Most pigeons mate for life. That’s wonderful,” says Birds & Blooms reader Leah Ellenberger.

What’s in a name: Mourning dove or morning dove?

The flying dove (Zenaida macroura) belongs to the pigeon family, Columbidae. In error, people mistakenly identify this bird as the “mourning dove.”” It is often heard calling early in the day. This bird is also called the American Mourning Dove, Rain Dove, and Turtle Dove (different birds).

The correct name is “mourning dove,” which refers to the unique plaintive, sad call that this bird makes. This call is sometimes confused with the call of an owl. Additionally, the turtle dove’s wings produce a muffled, whistling sound. “Though its sad tone suggests melancholy, the mourning dove is a messenger of peace, faith, and love,” says Tim Deitz.

Spiritual Meanings

Some people believe seeing a mourning dove is a message from God, an angel, or another spiritual guide. In the Old Testament, the dove is a symbol of reconciliation, forgiveness, and peace. In Genesis, a dove returned to Noah after the flood with an olive leaf in its beak.

Listening to the mourning dove’s cry can help you find peace of mind. In Christianity, white doves often symbolize the Holy Spirit.

“I’ve only been into photography and birdwatching for two years, but I’m hooked! They bring so much joy into my life. I love doves for the peace, love, and hope they symbolize. It seems so important to focus on these things nowadays,” says reader Jenny Daigle.

Messages from loved ones

Some believe the mourning dove means friends and family are visiting. Doves remind people that their loved ones are watching over them, providing comfort. The birds’ sweet calls and romantic actions send out strong love energy.

“This beautiful pair of doves posing caught my attention. Symbols of peace, they formed a heart shape. They sat in perfect harmony, creating a special atmosphere,” says reader Theresa Taylor.

Dove meaning: a sign of mourning.

Releasing a dove at a funeral helps mourners start to grieve. The “letting go” of the white dove represents the “letting go” of the loved one. This moving act quietly honors the memory of the deceased.

The dove is a gentle reminder that you are regaining harmony and going with the flow of life. In cases of grief, if you see a dove, it could indicate that spiritual love surrounds you. Accepting its presence can be cathartic; it acts as a catalyst to start the healing process.

Doves remind us not to fear death, but to remain hopeful, rather to see it as a new beginning.

“Edge of Seventeen (Just Like the White Winged Dove)” is a song by Stevie Nicks, released in 1982. Nicks wrote the lyrics to express her grief. John Lennon and her uncle Jonathan died in the same week in December 1980. Nicks explains that the song’s dove represents the soul. It leaves the body to find peace at death.

Alice Nisley Matthias

Alice Nisley Matthias writes about food, gardening, family and education. Her work has appeared in over a dozen publications, including: Birdzfly, The New York Times, Allrecipes, Taste of Home, TIME for Kids, Food Network, the Washington Post, and Delish. Matthias is the author of the book Tasty Snacks in a Snap!

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